
password generator screenshot
JavaScript password generator

This is a simple password generator that I made using javaScript. The password generator takes in several prompts from the user and based on those prompts the password generator will then generate a password.

weather-dashboard screenshot
jQuery Weather Dashboard

This is a weather dashboard I made using jQuery, and openweather API.

BonAppVoyage screenshot

This is a web application that my peers and I worked at. This application uses two different APIs to show its user travel and cooking recipe information.

Eat Da Burger screenshot
Eat Da Burger App

This is a very simple web application that shows my ability to handle both the front end and the back end of the web. For the front-end I used handlebars as a template and javascript to access the back-end. In the back-end the website will access the database and either add to it or modify it.

Eat Da Burger screenshot
Employee manager

This an application I made solely using node.js. The purpose of this application is to help any employer keep track of their employees by keeping a record of their department, salary and role within the company. This app uses mysql and a local database on the computer to store information about the employees.

Youtwitch screenshot

This a web application that uses both twitch and youtube api, to provide the user with live available based on their search query. The app also uses the following technologies: handlebars, node.js, and mysql.